Trail riding saddle bags destockage
Trail riding saddle bags destockage
Trail riding saddle bags destockage
Trail riding saddle bags destockage
Trail riding saddle bags destockage
Trail riding saddle bags destockage

Trail riding saddle bags destockage

53,12 €

Trail riding saddle bags

Unique model.

Pair of leather saddle bags, made in Brittany. All set for long-distance trail rides!

Pair of bags for the back of the saddle.

Fastens through the rings on the saddle.

Optional non-spill strap.

Choose from three leather colours: gold, mahogany and havana, black.

Dimensions: 35 cm high x 28 cm wide x 11 cm deep.

Stainless steel and nickel-plated bronze buckles.

Entirely made in Brittany.

A period of 4 to 6 weeks is required from placing the order to dispatching the product.

Product Return Policy

Can be returned within 15 days. The cost of dispatching a replacement product is payable by the customer.

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